Habit Tracker MULTI

Introducing recommended points of Habit Tracker MULTI!

Point 1 Breakdown your monthly habits
A high-performance refill that lets you manage everything on one page!

Point 2 Use it as a to-do list
Don’t limit yourself to tracking just your habits.
You can use this refill to manage your daily, weekly, and monthly tasks and to-do’s.
DAILY: Check e-mail
WEEKLY: Grocery shopping and meal prep
MONTHLY: Pay rent

Point 3 Never get bored of your planner!
The dynamic layout keeps things interesting.
You won’t get tired of this page, even after using it for a month!
Make your planner more interesting!

Point 4 2 years’ worth
If you use one sheet per month, you'll have enough for two years.
The set includes a total of 30 sheets, with both dated and undated options.
For example, use it like this!

The image is bible size